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KENKŌ Relief Cream

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Experience your favorite Relief Cream in a new easy to dispense pump. Now in 1060mg or 2660mg.

KENKŌ Relief Cream Pump
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KENKŌ Relief Cream Pump


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Feedback on KENKŌ Relief Cream

"I was in a car accident a few years ago and have been dealing with chronic neck pain ever since. Some days are worse than others. Ever since I've started taking PCR Naturals hemp oil soft gels, the pain has been more manageable. I'm more active than I have been in a long time!". - Rebecca

"I've been using PCR Naturals hemp oils in tincture and soft gel formula for only 3 months to help with my thyroid nodule pain. I started on and off in the beginning and just recently have taken them more regularly. Although my thyroid nodules have not yet decreased in size, the oils have helped with the pain". - Kay

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2332 Alameda Avenue

Alameda, Ca 94501

M-F 10 AM - 6 PM

Weekends 11 AM - 5 PM

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