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The Beauty of Mondays at Racine

The Beauty of Mondays at Racine

by Chris Tam

3 years ago


The Beauty of Mondays at Racine

by Chris Tam

3 years ago

The Beauty of Mondays at Racine

Mondays at Racine is an organization that provides beauty, health, and wellness services to those receiving cancer treatment. Women, men, and young adults can visit Racine Salon & Spa in Islip, NY, one Monday a month to rejuvenate their spirit, mind, and overall well-being at no cost to them.

To honor their mother, who passed away at 58 years old from breast cancer, sisters Cynthia Sansone and Rachel DeMolfetto began Mondays at Racine. At PCR Naturals, we understand the importance of maintaining a healthy balance. That's why when we came across this wonderful foundation, we were moved to help. We're so happy to contribute to Mondays at Racine's mission by donating CBD products to the brave people who are staring cancer in the face. Please visit their website to learn more about their amazing efforts.

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